https://training.securewebportal.net/simulations/Creating%20a%20New%20Runbook%20Walkthrough/story.html |
Below are instruction to upload a shared sim file at to the kb.
Shared files are here:
This is the format for the simulation files to be displayed properly on the E&T server
1. Inside the “simulations” folder on the E&T server, locate the full folder for the desired sim
2. Open that specific simulations folder
2. Open that specific simulation folder and find the story.html file

3. Create a partial URL by right-clicking “Copy Path” and then adding the “story.html” file to the end:
/www/simulations/Creating a New Runbook Walkthrough/story.html
4. Now add the E&T server info to start the new URL
This is how a working URL should look: