Online Backup Manager Release #: 3.18.46
Download Release Date: Week of 01/02/2017 Auto Update as Minor Version Release Date: 01/11/2017
OBM version 3.18.46 was released for manual download only (through the Axcient backup portal) on 1/4/2017.
This release occurred in order to provide ShadowProtect monitoring improvements within Axcient Cloud VMs (target) and Local BDRs (source).
BDR for ShadowProtect monitoring (data collection) performance improvements include:
- Increased efficiency in the chain verification scan algorithm
- Bug Fix: Machines with long backup chains are now properly monitored
- Bug Fix: BDRs with many machines are now properly monitored
Other BDR for ShadowProtect monitoring (data collection) performance improvements include:
= SPI file types not associated with ShadowProtect are no longer monitored as a backed-up machine. This includes specific Adobe file types (for example: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Acrobat\11.0\dir\example.spi)
= ImageManager now only monitors the main ImageManger log and ignores ancillary logs. This helps exclude ‘false positive’ errors found within detailed ImageManager logs. Examples of ignored errors include:
- delete entry – failed
- retry Database. Execute: failed
- update verify failed
= Missing ‘.SPF’ (backup base image) files are now reported on specifically.
Previously, Axcient reported a null date for the last backup if the .SPF (base image) was missing. Now, Axcient reports that the .SPF is missing or invalid, providing a more accurate message. NOTE: A missing SPF is a common (yet transient) issue that occurs when the machine is being seeded (preloaded) to the Axcient cloud.
NOTE: Currently Microsoft .NET 3.5 (or greater) is NOT required to backup file data or ShadowProtect images to the Axcient cloud. However, it is needed to fully monitor ShadowProtect/ImageManager backups. We highly recommend upgrading to .NET 3.5 or later to take full advantage of Axcient BDR for ShadowProtect’s granular monitoring features.