Feb 2022 Release Notes

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


Feb 2022 release notes   2021 Release Notes


RMC v4.18 - Feb 16 2022 [Click to expand...]



    x360Recover Manager (RMC)  v4.18

 Release Date:

    February 16 2022 

Enhancements and bug fixes

x360Recover Replibit and Direct-to-Cloud (D2C) 

  • Idle session timeout has been changed to four (4) hours
  • Prevent false troubled SLA alerts for x360Recover protected systems when local backups are disabled, but replications aren’t
  • Security enhancements of login workflow
  • Volume Mount Check results are now displayed on Device Details page for x360Recover protected systems in Axcient Cloud
  • Fixed performance issues and other minor issues in the Backup History Report
  • Fixed expanded view for BRC Local VMs


Security enhancements and display improvements are the primary deliverables of this maintenance release.

x360Recover 10.14.0 - Feb 15 2022 [Click to expand...]



    x360Recover v10.14.0

 Release Date:

    February 15 2022

Release overview

x360Recover 10.14.0 is a maintenance release, focused on backend enhancements and eliminating bugs.

Summary of new features

  • Send active backup job status to x360Recover Manager during heartbeat updates
  • Optimize web engine settings to alleviate slow performance and excessive resource use

Summary of bug fixes

  • Fixed AutoVerify issue related to foreign character sets in Windows system path
  • Exclude invalid Cloud AutoVerify settings when recovering a protected system from a vault
  • Fixed issue with backend API not working if iDisplayLength is passed explicitly
  • Fixed incorrect error message when exporting to USB drive with insufficient space
  • Prevent deletion of in-use snapshot clone when starting export


10.14.0 is a maintenance release, focused on backend enhancements and eliminating bugs.

RMC v4.17 - Feb 2 2022 [Click to expand...]



    x360Recover Manager (RMC)  v4.17

 Release Date:

    February 2 2022

Enhancements and bug fixes

x360Recover Replibit and Direct-to-Cloud (D2C) 

  • Included a text-based status indicator for local cache verification
  • Deleted devices will no longer display in the backup summary report.



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