Oct 2023 release notes

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

October 2023 release notes


x360Recover Agent for Linux v3.4.0 - October 29 2023 [Click to expand...]

   x360Recover Agent Release Information

    Agent Version:

    Agent for Linux v.3.4.0

    Release Date(s):

     Targeted release starting Oct 29 2023

Release overview 

x360Recover Agent for Linux 3.4.0 is a feature release. The primary focus of this release is to add support for Red Hat Linux and derivative distributions, as well as address bugs found during support escalations. 

Summary of enhancements

  • Added support for backup of XFS file systems
  • Added support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux based distributions1
  • Added support for Linux Kernel 6.0 – 6.4 
  • Linux systems with LVM volumes will now be recovered as LVM volumes instead of basic volumes
  • Agent supports updating of the underlying Linux OS version on the protected system

1Agent for Linux 3.4.0 supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions (RHEL) 7 and 8, including Red Hat clone distributions including CentOS, AlmaLinux, and Rocky. Due to a Linux kernel compatibility issue, RHEL 9 distributions using XFS file systems cannot currently be supported by the server backend. The Linux kernel version 5.14 included with RHEL9 creates an XFS filesystem that cannot be mounted under previous Linux kernel versions.  Work is in progress to upgrade x360Recover appliances and vaults to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, to be released in 2024 Q1, which will enable full support for RHEL9.

Summary of bug fixes
  • Fixed an issue with redirection of the volume snapshot image to another volume or disk
  • Fixed an issue with backup jobs freezing before completion on some Linux kernel 6.x machines
  • Fixed an issue with backups failing if the appliance reboots during backup
  • Fixed an issue with Local Cache verification information not being sent to backup server

 Adds support for Red Hat Linux and derivative distributions

x360Recover 12.4.0 - October 23 2023 [Click to expand...]



 Release Date

    Targeted release starting October 23, 2023

Release overview

x360Recover 12.4.0 is a maintenance release.

The focus of this release is to deliver a better user experience, including requested feature enhancements and bug elimination

Summary of new features 

  • Added backend services to support a future macOS agent
  • Refactored all alerts for email and ConnectWise to provide consistent content and messaging
  • Unified the Virtual Office P2V virtualization layer with appliance/vault for better virtualization support
  • Enabled searching and sorting all jobs tables by protected system alias names
  • Added the FTP server URL on the Network Sharing page for better visibility
  • Enhanced the Virtual Disk Export feature to allow the use of Smart Recovery
  • Depreciated all TLS 1.1 and weak SSL cyphers

Summary of bug fixes

  • Fully refactored vault replication to consistently catch error exceptions, perform retries and enhance replication reliability
  • Multiple security enhancements eliminated old package versions
  • Fixed the progress display when importing seed images on the vault
  • Fixed a boot issue when the Windows volume is on the MBR disk and the boot volume is on the GPT disk
  • Added a warning message to the user interface when License Manager sync is failed
  • Added display of Local Cache status for Linux systems
  • Fixed a bug where telemetry is not sent when the protected system architecture contains a float value
  • Fixed a bug with License Portal synchronization
  • Fixed an edge case bug with replication ingestion of snapshots
  • Optimized the collection of data being sent to telemetry when hundreds of protected systems are present

Added requested feature enhancements including refactored alerts for email and ConnectWise plus Virtual Disk Export now allows Smart Recovery

x360Recover Manager (RMC) 4.60 - October 18, 2023 [Click to expand...]



    x360Recover Manager (RMC)  v 4.60

 Release Date:

    October 18, 2023

Release overview 

x360Recover Manager (RMC) 4.60 includes maintenance updates

Summary of bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the UI freezing while navigating the Reports tab during Client Executive Summary report generation
  • Fixed an issue when the report start date had a client created the day before, causing no data to load and producing the error message, “The content you requested could not be loaded at this time.”
  • Optimized performance for generating PDF reports
  • Fixed an issue while creating a report definition when the custom email address is not used. Now, the user’s email address is used instead
  • Fixed an issue creating a report definition when the time zone used by default was PST

Release includes maintenance updates

x360Recover Manager (RMC) 4.59 - October 4, 2023 -  [Click to expand...]



    x360Recover Manager (RMC)  v 4.59

 Release Date:

    October 4, 2023

Release overview 

x360Recover Manager (RMC) 4.59 includes new features and bug fixes.

Summary of enhancements

  • We've released a new Executive Summary report, designed to generate a high-level overview of a client’s backup health, including statistics on the number of protected systems and the estimated RTO. 

You can also use an additional level of detail to generate a listing of the client’s protected systems and SLA history. 

We hope this new report helps facilitate your regular business reviews. Check it out in the Reports tab of x360Recover.

Instructions on how to generate the new report are available here:

Summary of bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where some report filters were not applied
  • Fixed an incorrect tooltip on the System Details dashboard.

We've released a new Executive Summary report.