May 2023 release notes

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


May 2023 release notes

x360Recover Linux Agent 3.30 - May 22 2023 [Click to expand...]

 Agent Version

    x360Recover Linux 3.30

 Release Date

    Targeted release starting May 22, 2023

Release overview

x360Recover Linux agent 3.30 is a feature release. This release extends support for additional Linux distributions, enhances agent logging for improved support and troubleshooting, and provides important fixes for known issues. 

For more details on our Linux agent, please review Linux for x360Recover

Summary of enhancements

  • Added support for Debian 10.x LTS (Buster)
  • Added support for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic)
  • Added support for distributions based on Ubuntu, including Mint and Zorin  
    (ElementaryOS will be supported in the next release)
  • Added a configuration option to allow disabling of the hole-punch feature during backups
  • Updated certificate authority support for transport certificates
  • Added support for redirecting snapshot storage to another volume  

Summary of bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with incorrect handling of FAT volume exclusions under certain configurations
  • Fixed a bug with a backup not failing if an issue is encountered with snapshot names
  • Fixed a bug where extra redundant information was logged during agent idle states
  • Fixed a bug where an incorrect error eas returned during agent uninstall when completed successfully
  • Fixed a bug where an agent may register itself duplicate times if creation fails on an appliance


This feature release supports additional Linux distributions, enhances agent logging, and provides important fixes for known issues. For a complete overview of our Linux agent, please see Linux for x360Recover