Axcient sends out several notification emails (account creation, no backup notification, etc.). In the notification emails it includes links to the web portal. The URL of these links include https://backup.securewebportal.net/ by default. If you are trying to private brand your service then this can be changed without loss of functionality. It requires setting up a redirection PHP or ASP script on your web-host. (If you cannot run PHP or ASP scripts on our server please contact us for a solution.)
NOTE: This option for branding is normally not used. It is not needed if you are using an HTML frameset script. Please contact us before using this option.
- Copy the text of the PHP Redirection Script below into a new text file and name it index.php
- Change any reference to mybrand to your unique brand ID (usually this is two or three letters long)
- Upload the redirection script to a new directory on your server (for example: http://www.mycompany.com/backupportal/ )
- Email us with the redirection script location and we will change your brand information.
NOTE: You cannot use DreamWeaver to create the file, because DreamWeaver will interfere with the creation of the frameset. Please use notepad or a tool that does not try to parse the file in order to create the index.php or index.asp file.
PHP Redirection Script
//This script will redirect them to backup.securewebportal.net
//TODO: Change your brand ID below to your 2 or 3 letter brand ID:
$brandID = 'mybrandid';
//Then rename this script (probably to index.php) and upload to your web server.
//Test it by trying out the following page:
// http://myhost.com/path/to/script/?p=trial
//And you should be redirected to
// https://backup.securewebportal.net/free-trial?EFSB=mybrand
$aRequest = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$sQuery = $aRequest['query'];
$sNewLocation = "https://backup.securewebportal.net/?EFSB={$brandID}&{$sQuery}";
header("Connection: close");
header("Location: $sNewLocation");
ASP Redirection Script
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Dim sBrandID, sQuery
' This script will redirect them to
' TODO: Change mybrandid to your 2 or 3 letter brand ID:
sBrandID = "mybrandid"
' Then rename this script (probably to index.asp) and upload to your web server.
' Test it by trying out the following page:
' http://myhost.com/path/to/script/?p=trial
' And you should be redirected to
' https://backup.securewebportal.net/free-trial?EFSB=mybrand
sQuery = Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")
Response.Redirect("https://backup.securewebportal.net/?EFSB=" & sBrandID & "&" & sQuery)