When an end user forgets to lock a file or folder before making changes, instances might occur where another user has made changes to the same item at the same time. This is called a collision. By default, when a collision occurs, the system will notify the end user of the conflict with a Need User Action message, allowing the end user to resolve the collision in one of three ways.
- Rename My revision: The copy is renamed to include the term collision appended to the end. When this option is selected, you will see two files: the original_file_name file and the original_file_name_collsion file.
- Discard My revision: The copy will be discarded without its changes being saved.
- Open Folder: This option will open the location of the file, allowing end users to view the file before making a decision.
In some instances, you might want to disable this manual collision resolution process; for example, this option if useful for file servers, or for machines that are not constantly monitored by end users.
It is considered a best practice to allow for manual collision resolution. Only in special circumstances—such as when a machine is not being monitored—should you consider turning off this feature.
To disable manual collision resolution for a machine:
- In the Organization navigation menu, select the organization in which the specific machine resides. The selected organization displays.
- Click the Machines tab. The Machines page displays, showing a list of all machines in the selected organization.
- Click the name of the machine. The Machine Settings page displays for the selected machine.
- In the Machine Settings page of the selected machine, uncheck the Manual Collision Resolution checkbox, and click the Save button.
Manual collision resolution has now been disabled for the selected machine.