Apr 2022 - Private Cloud v 3.4.0 - Release Notes x360Sync

Written By Heather Hootman ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024


x360Sync Private Cloud v 3.4.0

Release Date

April 5, 2022


x360Sync Mac Client 3.1.0

x360Sync Thick Client 3.4.1

x360Sync Thin Client 3.4.3

x360Sync Outlook Add-on 2.7.0


  • Private Cloud updater is now a standalone application, allowing administrators to:
    • See available updates
    • Choose when to install updates
    • Access release notes
  • Added support for unlimited space quotas
  • Added the ability to update root certificates from the agent
  • Agent scan will not generate sync up events for files that already exist in the agent database


  • Fixed an issue where backups would report collisions erroneously
  • Fixed an issue where file listing would not automatically refresh after a file restore completed
  • Fixed an issue where a blank Preferences screen remained even if Preferences was already opened
  • Fixed an issue where the installer would not remove previous versions of the Thin Client upon upgrade
  • Fixed an issue where some items in a team share would not display in File Explorer
  • Fixed an issue where Thin Client branding would not appear correctly
  • Fixed an issue where sync up process would break if the syncing data was deleted from SyncedFolder while the agent was paused
  • Fixed an issue where the blue "Syncing" icon overlay didn't display for files that were waiting in the sync up queue 
  • Fixed an issue where Thick Client install failed on 32-bit machines due to packaged Visual Studio 64-bit
  • Fixed an issue where GUI displayed an incorrect number of files when pinning folders with more than 80 files
  • Fixed an issue where Thick Client would fail to register with timeout
  • Fixed an issue where Thin Client would display incorrect folder contents
  • Fixed an issue where the blue "Syncing" icon overlay displayed on edited folders
  • Fixed an issue where MS Word 2010 autolock for .docx files inside team shares did not work correctly
  • Fixed a false collision on a document that was only edited with the collaborative web editor 
  • Fixed an issue where Thin Client falsely indicated that files had not successfully uploaded to the server
  • Fixed a WebDAV issue where creating or renaming folders resulted in an error message
  • Fixed numerous Thin Client stalled and failed sync issues
  • Fixed Thick Client connectivity issues

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