Apr 18 2023 - v.2.36.0 - Release Notes x360Portal

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Version Application 2.36.0
When April 18, 2023

Enhancement: Request a Feature button

We've added a new Request a Feature button to the Roadmap on the x360Portal  dashboard:

Please use this button whenever you have product feature suggestions for us.

Bug fixes

  • Corrected the display of trial days remaining on Dashboard product cards
  • Fixed the unsupported browser link


How to access the Roadmap:

Click on the tile at the bottom of the x360Portal dashboard to open the full Product Roadmap:

The top navigation on the Roadmap includes status reports on Axcient's

  • released projects
  • activities currently underway
  • plans for upcoming goals
  • tasks we'll be approaching later and
  • new ideas in the works





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