Quest - Rapid Recovery v6.3.0.5309

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 31st, 2021

Quest recently released a new version of Rapid Recovery, v6.3.0.5309. This updated version has many new features and enhancements. They include: 

New features 


Deprecated features

Please see the supported application matrix at the bottom of this thread prior to upgrading. Axcient now supports v6.3.0.5309. Any agents prior to build 6.1.3 are NOT compatible with this latest version. Please make sure you get these older agents updated to at least v6.1.3 prior to the update. Any cores replicating in or out of the core you are upgrading also need to be on a matching version. Before upgrading your local core, please submit a case to us so we can first upgrade your cloud core.

At Axcient, our technical team carefully reviews and tests all new releases of software before certifying them for use in our cloud. This ensures we deliver a consistently stable and fast solution. Any new cores ordered will come on v6.3.0.5309. If another core version needs to be installed, please make sure to let the technician know prior to your core being build. We can only install back to v6.1.3 at this time. 

You can read more about the latest version here:

Please be aware of the new system requirements for this newest version:

Operating System Compatibility Matrix:

We've recently learned about an issue that affects backups of agentlessly protected ESXi VMs to Rapid Recovery Core v.6.3. In specific cases, backups may be invalid and require specific mitigation.

This issue only affects a local core: 

  • Users of Rapid Recovery Core v.6.3 
  • Backups of ESXi agentless VMs
  • Configurations in which the default transport mode was changed from network block device (nbd) to SAN transport

More information can be found via this link:

If you have any questions, please let us know. If you need to speak to a support technician on this matter, please open a support ticket  or call 800-352-0248.