Axcient Continuity Cloud FAQ: Demo Node Trial [Request Form]

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

     Download the Demo Node Trial Request Form          

What is a Continuity Cloud Demo Node Trial?

We offer a free Continuity Cloud demo node trial for your internal review and education. These trials give you an opportunity to learn how to use the hardware and software needed to recover your customers backups before you need to do it in real-time. (Please ensure you have tested your data and are familiar with all procedures BEFORE delivering a live demo to your customer.) 

Which products qualify for a Demo Node Trial? 

Continuity Cloud nodes are provided for Axcient third party BDR products.

Note: For x360Recover cloud recoveries, please refer to this article about Virtual Office.

   Third Party BDR Product    Length of test period    # of demo nodes allowed


   7 contiguous days (Wed 8pm - Wed 8 am)

   One demo node per year

   Quest Rapid Recovery

   7 contiguous days (Wed 8pm - Wed 8 am)

   One demo node per year


   7 contiguous days (Wed 8pm - Wed 8 am)

   One demo node per year

 How does the Demo Node Trial work?

A partner may request one free demo node trial per calendar year for each BDR solution currently provided by Axcient.

  • The trial period consists of seven contiguous days. Once the trial begins, it continues for seven contiguous days, without interruption.  Trials are not available by the hour or by the day, but only as one, contiguous seven-day event.
  • Free demo node trials are available for small nodes only.
  • Small Nodes = 4 CPU cores, 8 CPU threads, 32GB RAM, 1 IP, 2TB RAID1 storage [1.7TB usable]
  • All demo node trials are provisioned during business hours on Wednesdays after 8AM EST.
  • Access to demo nodes is provided by 8 pm EST Wednesday and remains active through 8 am EST on the following Wednesday. (7 contiguous calendar days,  from Wed 8pm EST through the following Wed 8am EST)
  • Demo nodes are destroyed at the end of the trial period unless a paid extension is requested beyond the initial 7 day trial period. NOTE:No notifications will be sent before destruction.

How and when will my demo node be provisioned?

  • All demo nodes are provisioned on Wednesdays, on a first-come-first-serve basis.
  • Demo nodes are provisioned based on queued demand and available free/demo capacity.  No guarantees are made regarding timing or availability of demo/free capacity.
  • Free demo nodes cannot be custom-scheduled. If you must schedule a demo node for a specific date, please contact Axcient Support to request a paid node instead.
  • Access to a demo node is provided by 8 pm EST Wednesday and remains active through 8 am EST on the following Wednesday. (7 contiguous calendar days, Wed – Wed, 8 pm to 8 am EST)
  • We reserve Wednesdays to erase, reimage and reallocate our Continuity Cloud.
  • IMPORTANT: If for any reason your demo node is needed beyond Wednesday at 8 am EST, you MUST notify us. We are happy to be flexible and work with your schedule, but if we do not hear from you, we will assume it is OK to clean up your demo node any time Wednesday morning. We will not ask for confirmation.

What if I have to have a node for a specific date? 

If you must schedule a node for a specific date, please contact Axcient Support to request a paid node. Your request will then be moved to the top of the list for processing.

For Site Down/EMERGENCY nodes:

1. Please escalate your ticket request to Critical.

2. Outline your requirements using this form and submit the completed form to Axcient Support.

 We will respond quickly to assist in virtualizing your servers.

Overview of CC Demo Node Trial request and provision process:

1. Complete this form and submit your request to Axcient Support.  We receive your request and enter it into our system.

2. Your requested demo node is provisioned when ready.

  • Free demo nodes come in one size: small.
  • Free demo nodes are provisioned on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • Free demo nodes cannot be scheduled for a particular date.
  • The trial period consists of seven contiguous days. Once the trial begins, it continues for seven contiguous days, without interruption.  Trials are not available by the hour or by the day, but only as one, contiguous seven day event
  • Paid nodes may be scheduled, with a variety of sizes available. For details about technical specs, pricing and billing on paid nodes, contact Axcient Support
  • Emergency nodes are reserved for Critical (Site Down) types of emergencies and are available in a variety of sizes.

3. Upon provisioning, you will receive credentials.

NOTE: Microsoft RDP is used to access the demo node using: mstsc.exe

4. The user name is: ContinuityCloud or \ContinuityCloud

5. The password is provided by our CC Node Provisioning Team.

NOTE: Once an RDP session is established, the Team Viewer client is available for shared sessions.

Special NOTE #1: Free demo nodes are destroyed at the end of the demo period unless you have requested a paid extension beyond the initial week.

Special NOTE #2: Free demo nodes provisioned under a free trial program may be removed without warning if resources are required to meet a paying customer's emergency.

Paid nodes are also available upon request:

  • Paid nodes do not have an end date.
  • Paid nodes are billable until a written request is received to recycle the node. 

How to recycle your paid node:

  1. Open a new ticket at Axcient Support. 
  2. Reply to the original ticket and notify the support staff 


  • Paid nodes are invoiced at the end of every month, based on the number of weeks a node has been active during that month.  
  • Reminder: Receiving an invoice does NOT mean the node has been recycled. An official request must be made in order to recycle a node.
  • Nodes are billed at a weekly rate unless you have requested a long-term or dedicated node.








32 GB

1.7 TB



12 CPU

64 GB

3.5 TB



20 CPU

192 GB

14.5 TB



For details about technical specs, pricing and billing on paid nodes, contact Axcient Support


 SUPPORT  | 720-204-4500 | 800-352-0248


[Internal Support]