Create organization-level user accounts - x360Cloud

Written By Heather Hootman ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

You can optionally create organization-level user accounts so that your clients can log in to their instance of x360Cloud. When organization-level users log in, they can access the following functionality:

  • Access their organization's instance of x360Cloud at;
  • View organization backup reports;
  • Perform organization data search and restore;
  • Select (and deselect) organization end user accounts for backup;
  • Manage organization backup settings;
  • Add or edit organization SharePoint URLs;
  • Toggle on or off services for backup;
  • Explore organization audit logs;
  • Create or delete other organization-level users; and
  • Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Organization-level administrators cannot perform the following:

  • Cannot access the x360 Portal at;
  • Cannot sign up for a new service to be backed up in x360Cloud;
  • Cannot create a new organization or provider in x360Cloud;
  • Cannot access other organizations in x360Cloud; and
  • Cannot access user management for reseller-level accounts in the x360 Portal.

To create organization-level user accounts:

  1. Navigate to the specific organization and click the Settings tab.
  2. In the Settings page, click the Users tab.
  3. In the Users tab, click the Create New User button.
  4. Enter information about the new user, including:
    1. First name,
    2. Last name, and
    3. Email address.1618346898423-x360Cloud_OrgSettings_CreateNewUserForm.png
  5. Click the Save button when you are finished. The new user account will receive an email with instructions on how to log in and configure a password.