How to request a feature

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Send us your input!

We’d like your suggestions about how to improve our product offerings.

We invite you to use our “Request a Feature” form to propose new features, provide ideas on how to improve existing ones or just provide feedback of our products: 

Request a feature:


Visit the Axcient Product Roadmap  

We've added a Product Roadmap to the x360Portal dashboard, delivering a current snapshot of the projects underway at Axcient.

Click on the tile at the bottom of the x360Portal dashboard to open the full Product Roadmap:

The top navigation on the Product Roadmap includes status reports on Axcient's

  • released projects
  • activities currently underway
  • plans for upcoming goals
  • tasks we'll be approaching later and
  • new ideas in the works

We've added a Request a Feature button to the Product Roadmap on the x360Portal dashboard:

Please use this button whenever you have product feature suggestions for us:

 Of course, you are always welcome to submit your input directly on the Feature Request form at



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