Review web-access log events (private cloud) - x360Sync

Written By Heather Hootman ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

In addition to reviewing the activity log and monitoring reports through the administrative web portal, private cloud partners also have access to the web-access.log file, which provides detailed information on captured events. The web-access.log file can be found in the x360Sync server log folder, and records the following actions:

  • access denied
  • authenticated via APIv1
  • authenticated via OAuth2
  • authenticated via password reset token
  • authenticated via web
  • changed password
  • failed login
  • file download request
  • folder download request
  • granted org admin privileges
  • granted system admin privileges
  • moved team share
  • removed from share
  • revoked org admin privileges
  • revoked system admin privileges
  • subscribed to share
  • subscribed to team share
  • unsubscribed from team share
  • organization created
  • organization updated
  • organization deleted
  • web editor session

To review the web-access.log file:

  1. On the server that houses your x360Sync server service, navigate to [target drive]:\x360Sync Server\logs\directory.
  2. Click to launch the web-access.log file.

Reading the Web-Access.Log File

The web-access.log file is formatted as follows:

ip_address|datetime|actor_type|actor_id|actor_name|action|acted_on_type|acted_on_id|acted_on_name|data|company_id|request method and url

For example, a failed login event will display as:|2017-04-07 13:30:56|person|2|User Name (|failed login|person|2|User Name (|3