Oct 2023 - v3.44.0 - Release Notes x360Cloud

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

x360Cloud INDEX  | Release Notes  |  x360Cloud Data Sheet  |  x360Cloud Essential User Guide




     Europe — October 23, 2023 
     North America — October 24, 2023


  • Improve performance and stability of backups and restorations
  • Fix defects in UI\UX and address issues reported by users


  • Fixed issue with x360Cloud accuracy when reporting statistics on the number of protected users in some organizations
  • Fixed an issue with Microsoft 365 email backups failing due to a new occurrence of “Data is corrupt” error returned from Microsoft 365
  • Fixed an issue with restoration failing when the search query contains the “/” character and all matching data is selected for restoration
  • Fixed issue when the restoration of some Office 365 documents resulted in multiple file copies being created in the target location and accompanying “Partial” restoration status.
  • Fixed cosmetic UI issues with Tooltips overlapping with other UI components. 

Known issues 

  • Smart Search shows an incorrect number of matching results for mail when using  Filter by Collection
  • Descriptions for some issues and backup progress are not shown in the container-level downloadable backup report and on the Reports page
  • Archive emails are restored in a separate (timestamped) target folder when restored with general emails



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