NOTE: These frequently-asked questions relate to orders that are shipped within the United States
For orders shipped within the US:
Q: Why does Axcient require my reseller tax certificate?
A: Axcient is required to collect sales tax on purchases shipped within the United States unless we receive a valid and current resale/exemption certificate for the state where your order is being shipped.
Q: What information do I need to provide on the exemption certificate, and how often must I submit a new one?
A: When completing the exemption certificate, please list eFolder, Inc. (dba Axcient) as the "Name of the Seller."
Once a valid exemption certificate is submitted, you will not need to provide a new one until it reaches its expiration date.
Q: How do I submit my reseller tax certificate?
A: You have two options:
- Email your submission: Send your valid sales tax exemption certificate to
- Upload your submission via CertExpress: Our team will provide instructions for uploading the certificate to the CertExpress website. You will receive an email from, our certification management system
Q: What are the requirements for reseller tax certificates?
A: A reseller tax certificate is required for each state where we ship taxable goods.
Example 1: If you are based in New Jersey but ship to New York, you must provide a New York certificate.
Example 2: If you are based in California and ship to Oregon, you do not need to provide an Oregon certificate since Oregon does not charge sales tax.
Q: What types of documents are NOT considered reseller tax certificates?
A: The following documents do not qualify as valid reseller tax certificates:
- Sales Tax Licenses
- Sales Tax Use Permits
- Other similar tax-related documents
For a certificate to be accepted, it must explicitly state "Resale," "Reseller," or "Sales Tax Exemption" somewhere on the document.
Q: Can I provide an end user’s reseller certificate?
A: No, we cannot accept a reseller certificate from an end user. The certificate must match the name of the company purchasing the equipment.
Q: What happens if I don’t provide a reseller tax certificate?
A: We cannot proceed with invoicing your purchase order until you either:
- Agree to the applicable tax charge, or
- Provide a valid reseller tax certificate.
If we do not receive a certificate within 1-2 business days, we will follow up with you via the order ticket and include the tax amount that will be charged if no certificate is provided.
Q: How does the reseller tax certificate impact my order?
A: Your order cannot be invoiced until we have received either a valid reseller tax certificate or confirmation that you accept the tax charge. If no certificate is received within 1-2 business days, we will follow up with a reminder and provide details on the tax amount that will be applied.
Q: Can I submit a multijurisdictional resale certificate instead of individual state certificates?
A: Yes! We accept multijurisdictional resale certificates, which allow you to list multiple exempt states on a single document. If your certificate includes all applicable states, you do not need to provide separate certificates for each one.
For orders shipped to Canada:
Q: I ordered an Axcient x360Recover appliance that will be shipping to Canada. Will I be charged tax?
Yes, we will be charging GST/HST and PST taxes on your order where applicable, unless you are exempt.
Q: I am exempt from GST/HST and/or PST taxes. How do I submit my exemption status to you?
Please send your GST/HST account number and/or PST number to Once these numbers are on file, you will no longer be charged the corresponding tax.
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