Apr 11 2024 - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal) early release

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 17th, 2024

Notice to Axcient partners: 

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal ) early release

The upgrade for existing x360Recover systems to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is ready for release.

Axcient began deploying the 13.0.0 pre-focal update to devices on April 11 2024.  

Once 13.0.0 is fully deployed, we will be proceeding slowly with the rollout of 14.0.0 containing the Ubuntu OS upgrade to 20.04LTS. Deployment is expected to take between 60—90 days for all devices to be upgraded.

Early access testing

The staggered deployment of x360Recover 14.x with the upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal) is in progress.

For partners who wish for early deployment of this release onto one or more of your BDR devices, you may perform a manual upgrade at your convenience.

Axcient recommends performing a manual upgrade on at least one of your devices to test for any hardware incompatibility or other issues with your BYOD configuration.

How to perform a manual OS upgrade

There is a manual command-line option available to individually perform the software upgrade on each x360Recover device. If you have key systems that you require to be updated immediately to conform to compliance or other requirements, you may follow this procedure to update individual machines.

To perform a manual software update: 

 a. Log in to the console of the device using the root user account

 b. Run this command:

screen -S rb_install_pkg install-replibit-package 14.0.0

Note: When performing the upgrade remotely (i.e. not physically sitting at the monitor and keyboard of the device) be sure to use 'screen' when launching the installation command. Screen executes the command in a detachable shell and will ensure that the upgrade process does not get interrupted or broken if the remote connection is interrupted.  This especially includes performing the upgrade from the Console connection within Recover Manager, as the connection WILL be broken when the nginx service is restarted during the upgrade.

 Note: You can only upgrade by one major release version at a time.  If you unit is running 12.x.x, you must first upgrade to 13.0.0, then repeat the process to upgrade to 14.0.0

Note:  The update will be applied as follows:

First the x360Recover application update will be installed. This part of the upgrade takes the normal 20-30 minutes to complete and will reboot the device.  

Once the device has been updated to version 14.0.0 (or later) the Ubuntu OS upgrade will commence after the reboot.  The OS upgrade may take up to 3-4 hours to complete, but typically takes 30-60 minutes, depending on the underlying system performance.  

The system may reboot one or more times during the OS upgrade.  

x360Recover services will be disabled during the upgrade, backups and replication will not occur.  

You may monitor the OS upgrade progress from the device Web UI.

For questions or assistance, open a ticket with Axcient Support.

For details on the changes in this release, see Release Notes.


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