This article describes the available web interface options within the appliance. (Many of the options similar to available options when working with the vault.)
Recover Appliance Navigation Pane
To populate the main window with task-specific information and controls, click Selections from the menu.
On appliances, the Available Licenses section of the menu pane displays an overview of the licensing assigned to the device. A branded logo displays below.
Protected Systems shows information about the systems being backed up by this appliance.
Backup Policies controls management of backup schedules assigned to protected systems.
Jobs shows information about active and completed job history.
Alerts shows status and information on recent and past alerts generated by the device.
File Browser provides access to mounted recovery points and exported disks, enabling retrieval of individual files from any web browser. For bulk file recovery, please review Recovering File and Folders.
NFS Exports controls and manages access by remote systems to the NFS file shares hosted on the device for recovery and exported disk retrieval.
iSCSI manages active iSCSI targets exported from protected systems for recovery.
Manage Storage provides access to the Storage Pool configuration utility.
System Info provides an overview of system configuration, hardware, and utilization statistics.
Vault Configurationcontrols configuration of off-site vault destinations for replication of protected system recovery points.
ConnectWise Settings provides configuration for integrating with ConnectWise for automated billing and ticketing.
Agent Downloads provides access to the available Agent installers and other components.
System Settingscontains all of the configurable options available.