April 13 2022 - Manager (RMC) v4.22

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


    x360Recover Manager (RMC)  v4.22

 Release Date:

    April 13 2022 


  • The Organization Dashboard has been redesigned.  Graphs and charts now provide high-level insight on devices, and on the health of clients and systems: 

  • The Virtual Office details page has been updated with a new look. Visuals provide information on the current status of virtual machines and the annual free days for test VMs is clearly displayed:

  • Custom alert threshold dialogs (for devices and jobs) have been redesigned for BRC, RB and D2C products to improve user experience

Bug fixes  

  • Fixed a bug where the Virtual Office usage report was only exporting a subset of rows
  • Fixed a bug where successful backups didn’t immediately update BRC service health status


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