(Windows) Systray Monitor Utility - x360Recover

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 7th, 2024

x360Recover Agent for Windows version 2.41 and newer now include the option to enable a system tray monitoring application running in the user space.


When enabled the systray application will appear in the Windows System Tray portion of the application bar. The System Tray application is purely informational and has no options for users to perform actions or affect the agent in any way. Enabling and displaying or disabling and hiding the system tray application is optional for each partner and protected endpoint.

 Clicking on the icon pops up a window with basic status information about the agent including:

  • Agent service status (running or stopped)
  • Connection status with Backup Manager on the Appliance (Connected or Disconnected)
  • The currently defined timeframe of the backup policy (Business or Non-Business hours)
  • The Date/Time of the last attempted backup
  • The Date/Time of the last successful backup
  • Agent installation mode (Local appliance or Direct to Cloud mode)
  • Current agent backup job status (Idle, Paused, or Running)
  • If a backup is currently in progress, the progress bar will show completion percentage
  • Agent Version

If Local Cache is configured for the agent, additional parameters are displayed with Local Cache status, including:

  • Local Cache State (Enabled, otherwise Local Cache parameters are hidden)
  • Local Cache path location
  • Local Cache verification status
  • Storage utilization of the Local Cache path destination

Systray Application Status Indication

When the Agent service is online and connected to the backup server the icon color is Green.

When the Agent service is disconnected from Backup Manager or the Agent service is stopped, the systray icon will change color to Red.

When a backup job is in progress the systray icon will change color to Blue.

Enabling and Disabling Display of the System Tray Application

By default, the systray application is disabled and not shown on existing agent deployments. During the installation of a new Agent there is a checkbox in the installer UI to opt in or out of enabling the Systray application.

When silently deploying the Agent via scripting or RMM tools you can configure the status of the Systray application using the installer parameter SYSTRAY=[TRUE|FALSE] 

Example: msiexec /i <path to installer file> /q SERVER= SYSTRAY=TRUE

Status of the Systray Application is controlled by the presence of the configuration parameter in aristos.cfg: ENABLE_SYSTRAY=[true|false]

If ENABLE_SYSTRAY is not present or set to false, the application will exit before displaying itself when launched.

Managing the Systray Application for Existing Protected Systems

In the future the x360Recover Appliance and Vault UI will be extended to include configuration of System Tray application from the Agent Config wizard. For now you may bulk manage the application configuration using your RMM tools and the Agent installer. To set the state of the Systray Application, use your RMM tools to issue an installation command for the agent passing ONLY the SYSTRAY parameter.

IMPORTANT: Regardless of whether the agent is deployed as Appliance or Direct to Cloud mode, when running the installer to manage the state of the Systray Application DO NOT send either SERVER or TOKENID parameters. Sending one of these parameters may inadvertently cause the installer to change the configuration mode of the agent.

Example: msiexec /i <path to installer file> /q SYSTRAY=TRUE


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