Manage, add, and remove licenses - x360Recover

Written By Heather Hootman ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Manage licenses

You can add or delete license packs over time or adjust licensing models as your Customer needs grow and change. Please consider the following before making changes:

  • Endpoint licenses are cumulative; you can add additional license packs over time to meet your needs.
  • You can only assign one Storage license at a time to a Location.
  • Endpoint and Storage licenses are mutually exclusive; you can only assign one or the other to a Location.


If you need to switch licensing models, you will first need to remove all assigned licenses and then add the new license type.

Add licenses

Endpointlicenses come in two classes: Workstation and Server. For example, a Windows 10 operating system requires a Workstation license and a Windows Server 2012 operating system require a Server license. Each Location can be assigned any number of Endpoint Server and Workstation licenses, which allows you to back up the specified number of Protected Systems (Workstation or Server). Endpoint licenses are consumed automatically by Protected Systems when an Agent is installed, and the Protected System checks in with the Appliance.

Storagelicenses allow you to back up an unlimited number of Protected Systems to a single Appliance, up to the storage license limit assigned to the Appliance.

Note that the Agent automatically determines which type of license a given Protected System requires and this cannot be manually selected.

To add a new license: 

  1. Log in to the  Licensing Portal.
  2. From the License Management left pane menu, click to expand User Management and then select Licenses.
  3. Locate the appropriate Customer and Location within the main window. Optionally, use the Search field to search by Customer name or Location. Customers and Locations are case sensitive.

  4. Note

    Customers with more than one Location will appear in the list multiple times. ensure that you have selected the correct Location when managing licenses. Customer and location names are case sensitive.

  5. Click the Manage button. The Manage Location window displays.
  6. To add an Endpoint license, click the Add Endpoint License button and update the following fields:
    1. In the Allocated fields, enter the license count for Server(s) and Workstation(s) licenses as needed.
    2. Click the Submit button.
    3. Note

      Endpoint licenses are cumulative; you can add additional license packs over time to meet your needs. Endpoint license billing is not prorated. Billing occurs on the last day of the month for all licenses that are allocated to a Location, regardless of whether the license is in use by a Protected System.

  7. To add a Storage license, click the Add Storage License button and update the following fields:
    1. In the Select a License drop-down menu, select a Storage license option.
    2. Click the Submit button.

    3. Note

      Only one Storage license can be assigned to a Location at a time. To change Storage licensing, first remove the existing license and assign a new one. Storage licensing is prorated and is billed based on the date licensing is assigned or removed.

Remove licenses

If you need to switch licensing models, you will first need to remove all assigned licenses and then add the new license type.


If you are Replicating Protected Systems to the Axcient cloud and you remove a Protected System from an Appliance, you will also nee to delete the Protected System from the Vault to avoid future billing. Any Protected System remaining in the Axcient Cloud will be billed a full month at the Bundled Endpoint license rate, whether it still exists on its original Appliance or not.

To change a license:

  1. From the License Management left pane menu, click to expand User Management and then select Licenses.
  2. Locate the appropriate Customer and Location within the main window.
  3. Click the Manage button. The Manage Location window displays.
  4. Find the license you would like to remove and click the Delete button.
  5. Note

    You can remove a Protected System from the Axcient Cloud from the Vault Web interface. Alternatively, you can remove a Protected System from the Appliance Web interface by deleting the Vault Replication configuration and selecting to also delete the Protected System from the Vault. For instructions, please reference the Deleting a Protected System section of this guide.