Onboarding - x360Recover deployment scenarios

ConnectWise onboarding

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 5th, 2024


When your client is ready to deploy, we've compiled onboarding playbooks & scenarios:

Ready to deploy? Review these scenarios

Deployment Scenario: Solution: 

Parallel deployment: Direct-To-Cloud:


•    Client has a requirement to keep the existing local backup solution in place until new cloud data has been retained for a specified amount of time. The client plans to repurpose the appliance which is currently in use for local Axcient backups.  Once your client’s cloud retention requirement has been satisfied,  proceed with repurposing existing hardware and converting D2C endpoints to appliance mode


Direct-to-Cloud deployment


 •    Local backups are not desired. This is a standard D2C deployment

Step1. Prepare your environment

Step 2. Access your x360Portal account

Step 3. Access your vault

Step 4. Work with a backup agent

Step 5. Manage backups

•    Local backups are not desired but recovery time failback is very important. This is a standard D2C with local cache Local cache for Direct-to-Cloud (D2C)


Appliance deployment


•    No client requirement for onsite appliance but client bandwidth + base image data set makes replication over the wire not feasible. 
 •    Onsite appliance required – BYOD or Axcient appliance deployment.

 Appliance Deployment:

1. Prep the BIOS

2. Ensure hardware-assisted virtualization is enabled.

3. Disable secure boot and Trusted Platform Module (TPM).

**We do not recommend mixing ZFS RAID with hardware RAID in your storage pool, instead place your hardware RAID controller in JBOD or HBA (no-RAID) mode and let ZFS handle the RAID. If needed you can place each disk in its own RAID 0.**

The existing ZFS pool on the Datto appliance a foreign filesystem (unknown by default in Linux) so the Axcient installer will wisely deny the ability to automatically destroy it. During a standard Linux install, go into advanced partitioning and manually destroy these partitions. We recommend destroying these partitions prior to loading x360Recover. You can boot the Recovery ISO and use GParted (on the desktop) to easily do this.

4. Download the ISO to USB utility.

5. Install the ISO

6. Proceed with Appliance setup & initial login

7. set up the Appliance storage pool configuration

8. Update Appliance settings & integrate vault. ( I cannot locate a KB that goes over integrating vault into appliance during initial setup. Should that be included in the setup & initial login KB? )

9. Create local backup schedule

10. Convert D2C Endpoint to Appliance mode



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