How to use the Linux shell - x360Recover

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Why study the Linux shell?

Axcient x360Recover is deployed as a hardened Linux distribution. 

As such, there is no graphical user interface display on the physical console - only a text mode Linux shell. 

To simplify management of the device for those unfamiliar with using Linux shell commands, we have implemented a user account with limited access to a set of user friendly command-line tools.  

Login to access the shell tools:

1.  Log in with the username x360Recover and the password that you specified during the initial provisioning of the device.

Note: Users familiar with the Linux command-line environment can log in as the root user to gain full access to all Linux utilities and commands. To log in as root, use the root password you specified during the initial provisioning of the device.

2. After logging in, type help and press the Enter key to view a list of the available commands.

NOTE: All shell commands are case sensitive and should be entered in lower case.

Utility descriptions


This utility is used to configure the network settings of the device.

aristosnet help
aristosnet fixIp
aristosnet show all
aristosnet show <interface>
aristosnet enable <interface>
aristosnet disable <interface>
aristosnet dhcp <interface>
aristosnet static <interface> <ip> <netMask> <gateway> <dnsServer>
aristosnet changeClusterInterface <newInterface>



This utility changes a shell user account password.

changepassword [LOGIN]

NOTE: If [LOGIN] is not specified, the utility defaults to the currently logged in user account



This utility changes the password of a Web Interface user account.

changewebpassword <UserName>



This utility exists and logs out from the shell session.




This utility lists the commands available to the user.




This utility sends a stream of network packets to a destination a display results.  The ping utility is useful for testing network connectivity or DNS name resolution.

ping <IP address or FQDN>



This utility performs a reboot of the device

reboot [OPTION]


Options for the reboot utility include:

  -n, --no-sync               don't sync before reboot or halt

  -f, --force                    force reboot or halt, don't call shutdown(8)

  -p, --poweroff            switch off the power when called as halt

  -w, --wtmp-only        don't actually reboot or halt, just write wtmp record

  -q, --quiet                   reduce output to errors only

  -v, --verbose              increase output to include informational messages

      --help                      display this help and exit

      --version                 output version information and exit



This utility turns off the system.

shutdown [OPTION]... TIME [MESSAGE]


Options for the shutdown utility include:

  -r                                 reboot after shutdown

  -h                                halt or power off after shutdown

  -H                                halt after shutdown (implies -h)

  -P                                power off after shutdown (implies -h)

  -c                                cancel a running shutdown

  -k                                only send warnings, don't shutdown

  -q, --quiet                   reduce output to errors only

  -v, --verbose              increase output to include informational messages

      --help                      display this help and exit

      --version                 output version information and exit

NOTE: TIME may have different formats. The most common is simply the word now, which will bring the system down immediately. Other valid formats are +m, where m is the number of minutes to wait until shutting down and hh:mm, which specifies the time on the 24hr clock.

Logged in users are warned by a message sent to their terminal; you can include an optional MESSAGE with this.

Messages can be sent without actually bringing the system down by using the -k option.

If TIME is given, the command will remain in the foreground until the shutdown occurs.  It can be cancelled by Control-C, or by another user using the -c option.

The system is brought down into maintenance (single-user) mode by default, you can change this with either the -r or -h option which specify a reboot or system halt respectively. 

The -h option can be further modified with -H or -P to specify whether to halt the system, or to power it off afterwards. The default is left up to the shutdown scripts.

Display Mounted USB Drives from the Shell

To see a list of mounted USB disks, or to verify that a USB disk has been detected and mounted by the system:

  1. Log in to the shell using the root user account.
  2. Run mount | grep media to enumerate the list of mounted USB drives.

Set the IP address from the shell

NOTE: Do not use ifconfig to set the IP address from the shell.

To manually configure a static IP address on a device from the system console:

1. Log in to the shell using either the x360Recover or root user account.

2. Run the following command to list the current network configuration

aristosnet show all

3. Run the following command to set a static IP address on an Interface:

aristosnet static <Interface> <IP Address> <Subnet Mask> <Gateway> <DNS>

For example:

aristosnet static eth0

4. Run the following command to change to a DHCP provided IP address on an interface:

aristosnet dhcp <Interface>

For example:

aristosnet dhcp eth0

5. If changing from Static to DHCP mode, a reboot of the device may be necessary for the change to take effect.




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