Apr 26 2021 - v 2.57.0 - Release Notes x360Cloud

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 8th, 2021




  •  SLC:  April 22, 2021
  • AMS: April 26, 2021


  • Improve backup status reporting for containers in onboarding
  • Fix issues reported by users

Updates: Microsoft billable SKUs/license types 

At Axcient, our goal is to ensure your partner experience is simple and consolidated.

Partner feedback indicates that we can achieve greater simplicity by mirroring Axcient x360Cloud billing with Microsoft billable SKUs as closely as possible (including the critical applications which x360Cloud protects).

To that end, we recently updated our billable SKUs/license types to match Microsoft.

The list of Microsoft billable end user account SKUs can be found here:


Troubled onboarding indicator

x360Cloud's backup status reports differentiate between (a) initial backup Onboarding status (also known as the base image, when created for the first time) and (b) regular incremental backup status (covered by the ‘One successful backup per day’ SLA).

In version 2.57.0, we extended x360Cloud's onboarding backup status with an indicator to show when the onboarding process is not progressing as expected For example, this indicator becomes active when zero bytes \ items are backed up during the latest 24 hours.

This information will help clarify when initial backups are completing their expected onboarding cycle normally (and when they are not.)


Users will know onboarding is not progressing as expected when they see the red onboarding status icon on a container on the Reports page:



Note: To view all containers with troubled onboarding status messages, apply the Troubled Onboarding option in the Filter by user backup status:



  • Fixes for customer escalations and markup issues.
  • Fix for the issue with some shared drive and SharePoint site objects not restored when Filter by collection is applied in Smart Search.

Known issues 

  • Smart Search shows incorrect results for mail when using Filter by Collection
  • Descriptions for some issues and backup progress are not shown in the container-level downloadable backup report and on the Reports page.



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