10. Bare Metal Restore - ShadowProtect

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

When restoring a server (either physical or virtual ), it is necessary to create a StorageCraft Recovery Environment (RE).  The StorageCraft Recovery Environment (RE) is an ISO you can burn to USB, DVD or use within a VM environment.

 Instructions: How to build a StorageCraft Recovery Environment (RE)

 This link provides instructions on how to create the StorageCraft Recovery Environment (RE):


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Required Links:

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Step #1: REBuilder


NOTE: Only use the StorageCraft Recovery Environment Builder.

  • DO NOT use CrossPlatform.

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Step #2: Microsoft ADK


 NOTE for the ADK installation: 

 At the Select Features page, the program lists all of the available ADK components for download.

Select only:

  • Deployment Tools (8.0 = 39.6MB; 8.1 = 54MB)
  • Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) (3.0GB).

Uncheck any other features marked by default.

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Step #3: Restore a Volume in One Operation

Finally, this link provides the recovery steps in a single guide.


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Restoring individual files

The Axcient restore wizard allows you to easily restore files and folders (for data backed up directly with the Axcient Backup Manager) simply by logging in, checking off the data you want to restore, choosing the point-in-time version, and choosing where you want to restore the data.

Recovering from a disaster

To recover from complete data loss at the local site:

Provision appropriate bare-metal or virtual machines for the server(s) you need to restore. Make sure there is enough disk space to fully contain the restored volumes.

Use your FTP client (such as WinSCP) to download the SPF and all SPI files for the relevant OS and application volume image(s) to a portable USB disk or network share accessible from the ShadowProtect bootable restore environment.

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