x360Sync Private Cloud Version Release Notes

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


     Private Cloud Package



     August 31, 2020


  • Introduce the new Web Preview experience
  • Enhance Microsoft 365 integration
  • Improved performance and reliability of the Download Zip feature

New Features

New Web Preview experience

We are excited to introduce the new and improved Web Preview tool, featuring a robust and intuitive set of features that will continue to promote collaboration and productivity among end users. 

With this latest version, end users will enjoy a more seamless viewing experience, a consistent user interface, and a comprehensive set of features.

Please find more details about the new Web Preview experience in this article.


Please note

The previous version of the Web Preview tool will no longer be supported after September 1st, 2020. After that date, a user will not be able to preview files with the previous version of the Web Preview tool.

If you are a Private Cloud partner, please ensure you are running the latest version before September 1st, 2020. 


Find an organization by name

We are reintroducing search functionality in the My Organizations toolbar, giving administrators the ability to quickly and easily find a specific organization.

To access the Search field:

  1. Click the current organization name below the logo.
  2. In the Search field, type the name of the organization. The list of organizations will filter to only show organizations that match your search terms.
  3. Click an organization to navigate to that organization's Dashboard page.

This feature saves time for administrators, especially when working with a long list of organizations.


Share Link—Create a new document with Microsoft 365

We received a lot of positive feedback from our partners who have integrated Microsoft 365 with x360Sync. In this release, we are extending Microsoft 365 integration functionality, allowing end users to create a document and open it in a Microsoft 365 app from within a shared folder.

If you are a Private Cloud partner, please follow this guide to set up Microsoft 365 integration within your environment. 

Uninterrupted Web Editing session with Microsoft 365

For secure data exchange with Microsoft 365, we share security tokens with Microsoft 365. Those tokens enable Microsoft 365 to access the file a user is editing.

We noticed that with a long-running editing session, the tokens might expire. In these instances, Microsoft 365 cannot reach the x360Sync server due to connectivity issues, and the user is then prompted by Microsoft 365 to reload the Web Editor page.

To improve the user experience with long-running editing sessions, we have increased the frequency for renewing the tokens. This change allows Microsoft 365 to refresh the tokens before the current tokens expire. As a result, a user can use Microsoft 365 Web Editor securely and without interruptions.

Updated icons

To make the user interface easier to read, we have polished up the appearance of certain icons.

For example, in the Dashboard page, we added icons that correspond to each section, improving the monitoring experience for administrators. 

Improved performance and reliability of the Download Zip feature

Previously, when a user selected a folder and clicked Download Zip, x360Sync scanned the complete folder structure to calculate the size of the zip package and show the download progress. In large and deeply nested folders, this process can be a costly operation, and a user must wait for it to finish before the download starts.

In this version, the download process of the requested zip starts immediately. The calculation no longer blocks the download process, which makes the Download Zip operation faster. It also improves the reliability of the feature, helping to prevent the cancellation of the Download Zip process due to a network timeout.

Please note that we can no longer communicate the download progress to the browser because we do not pre-compute the total zip package size.


  • Resolved an issue that prevented administrators from generating complete reports from the web portal when using a custom email server.

  • Fixed an issue that occasionally caused a 500 error when navigating to a Share Link.

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