Troubleshooting Outlook Add-In Launching Errors - x360Sync

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


The Outlook add-in is designed to display in the Home tab of the MS Outlook application. Additionally, when you create a new email message, you will also see an Attach button in the Message tab.


In some instances, however, the Outlook add-in might not appear as expected.


The Outlook add-in might not display in your MS Outlook application due to one of the following reasons:

  • Your local environment does not support the Outlook add-in
  • You might need to restart your MS Outlook application
  • MS Outlook might not correctly load the Outlook add-in
  • You might not have correct read and write permissions for certain registry entries
  • MS Outlook might disable the Outlook add-in
  • You might need to download the latest version of the Outlook add-in

Resolution 1: Check System Requirements

Ensure that the Outlook add-in is supported by your local environment. For information on system requirements, please reference the What are the x360Sync System Requirements Knowledgebase article.

Resolution 2: Restart your MS Outlook Application

If your local environment meets all system requirements, you can attempt to restart your MS Outlook application.

Resolution 3: Ensure the Outlook Add-In Loads Correctly

To ensure that the Outlook add-in loads correctly:

  1. In MS Outlook, click the File tab, and then select Options. The Outlook Options dialog box displays.
  2. Click the Add-ins link.  The Add-ins section displays, listing all add-ins according to their status: Active, Inactive, or Disabled.

  3. To manage this list, click the Manage drop-down menu, select COM Add-Ins, and then click the Go button. 


    The COM Add-Ins dialog box displays.
  4. In the COM Add-Ins dialog box, select the Synced Tool for Outlook checkbox, and review the Load Behavior field at the bottom of the dialog box.


    1. If the Load Behavior field is listed as Load at Startup, the add-in should load properly when starting Outlook. Restart the application and test to ensure that the Outlook add-in loads as expected.
    2. If the Load Behavior field is listed as, Not Loaded, the add-in will not load properly.
      1. If the Outlook add-in is listed as Not Loaded, open an elevated command prompt and run the following command:


        This setting allows Outlook to display the actual error it receives when attempting to load the add-in, which supports the troubleshooting process.
      2. Open the registry editor and navigate to:


      3. Find the LoadBehavior registry string and set the value to to indicate that it should load at startup.

        Note: Please proceed with caution and create a backup of your registry before making changes. Editing registry entries is not supported.

      4. Restart Outlook. 

Resolution 4: Ensure the User Has Appropriate Permissions in Registry Entries

In some instances, certain registry entries will need read or write permissions for the Outlook add-in to load properly.

  1. Open the registry editor and navigate to the appropriate registry node, depending on your version of Windows and the Outlook add-in:

Windows OS Version

Microsoft Outlook Version

Registry Node


32-bit or 64-bit








Note: If you do not see these registry entries, then the Outlook add-in did not install correctly, or a group policy is blocking the creation of these registry entries.

  1. Right click the node and select Permissions.

  2. In the Permissions dialog box, ensure that the user has read permissions.

  3. Click the OK button to save any changes.
  4. While still in the registry editor, navigate to:


    Note: If you do not see this registry entry, then the Outlook add-in did not install correctly, or a group policy is blocking the creation of these registry entries.
  5. Right click the node and select Permissions.
  6. In the Permissions dialog box, ensure that the user has write permissions.
  7. Click the OK button to save any changes.

Resolution 5: Enable a Hard-Disabled Add-In

In some instances, MS Outlook might deactivate the Outlook add-in. For example, if an add-in that utilizes the same DLL (mscoree.dll) has been previously disabled, the Outlook add-in will also be listed as disabled.

To activate the Outlook add-in:

  1. In MS Outlook, click the File tab, and then select Options. The Outlook Options dialog box displays.
  2. In the Manage drop-down menu, select Disabled Items and then click the Go button.


    The Disabled Items dialog box displays, listing all disabled add-ins.
  3. Select mscoree.dll from the list of disabled items, and click Enable.
  4. To ensure that the DLL is no longer disabled, open the registry editor and navigate to:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\[version number]\Outlook\Resiliency\DisabledItem

Confirm that the Outlook add-in is not listed under this registry key.

Resolution 6: Reinstall the Outlook Add-In

If you are still experiencing this issue, please uninstall the Outlook add-in, and then reinstall the latest version. For installation instructions, please reference the How to Configure and Use the Outlook Add-In Knowledgebase article.