Configure Management Portal settings with the Settings page - x360Recover

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

The Settings page gives you access to a list of settings and configuration options to help you customize the Management Portal (MP). For example, you can view or update the following key settings:

  • The API Key tab allows you to retrieve your API Key.
  • The Change Machine Name tab allows you to change your Machine or Host Name.
  • The Change Password tab allows you to change and manage the Admin (Web UI) password.
  • The Date and Time Settings tab allows you to manage the date, time, and time zone settings of the device.
  • The Multi-Factor Authentication tab allows you to enable and configure the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) feature. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) adds a second verification step when a user accesses the x360Recover platform. With MFA enabled, users will be prompted to enter a one-time password generated by an authentication app when logging in to the system.
  • The Reporting Settings tab allows you to configure and customize the frequency and recipients of your reports.
  • The Update Manager tab allows you to configure and manage updates to the Management Portal.
  • The Remote Assist tab allows you to enable the Remote Assist feature, which gives Axcient Technical Support the ability to troubleshoot issues on your devices without requiring assistance from the Customer or the partner. For more information, please visit our Knowledgebase.
  • The Network Settings tab allows you to manage the Network Settings on your device.
  • The Upload New Logo tab allows you to customize your branding.
  • The Shutdown and Reboot tab allows you to shut down or reboot your device.

To manage Management Portal settings:

1. In the MP, click the Settings tab. The Settings page displays, showing all available MP configuration options.

2. Click to expand the API Key section to view your API Key.

 Management Portal

1. Click to expand the Change Machine Name section to view or update the name of the MP machine.

a. In the Machine name field, and a descriptive name for the machine.

b. Click the Change button to save your changes.

2. Click to expand the Change Password section to update your password to the GMP.

  1. In the Current Password field, enter your Current Password.
  2. In the New Password field, enter your New Password.
  3. In the Confirm Password field, re-enter your New Password.

NOTE: Minimum password length is 8 characters.

Click the Submit button to save your changes.

3. Click to expand the Multi-Factor Authentication tab.

a. Click the Enabled checkbox to turn on MFA. A QR code image will display for configuring your preferred authenticator app.


You must keep the generated QR code image secure. Any user with access to this image can generate MFA tokens. Do not digitally share or otherwise expose this image online.

b. Open an authenticator app on your smartphone and scan the QR code to configure the MFA token.

c. When your authenticator app is configured, return to the MP and enter the generated MFA Token in the MFA Token field.

Click the Save button to save your settings.

4. Click to expand the Date and Time Settings section to view your time settings.

a. In the Time Zone drop-down menu, select your Time Zone.


b. Click the Save button to save your settings.

5. Click to expand the Reporting Settings section to configure email delivery sections for reports. 


6. Click to expand the Update Manager section to turn on or off the Enable Auto Update feature, which will automatically update the GMP to the latest available version. You can enable this feature by clicking on the Enable Auto Update checkbox. 


As a best practice, we suggest that you check the Auto-Enable Remote Assist When Upgrading checkbox. This tool allows Axcient Technical Support to remotely assist and diagnose issues if they arise during the upgrade process.

7. Click to expand the Remote Assist section to turn on the Remote Assist tool. You can enable this service by clicking on the Enable checkbox. Please note that Remote Assist automatically expires and is disabled after the selected expiration date.


NOTE: As a best practice, we recommend that you turn on this feature and select an expiration date at least 7 days in the future when you submit a ticket to Axcient Support.

8. Click to expand the Network Settings section to manage Network Settings on the device.

  1. From the Method drop-down menu, select either DHCP or Static.
  2. In the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the device.
  3. In the Subnet Mast field, enter the subnet mask of the device.
  4. In the Network Gateway field, enter the network gateway address of the device.
  5. In the DNS field, enter the DNS address. Multiple DNS Server entries can be entered by separating each entry with a comma.
  6. Click the Submit button to save your changes.

9. Click to expand the Upload New Logo section to upload your logo and brand the GMP according to your company branding standards.

  1. Click the Update New Logo section to add your organization’s uniquely branded logo to the GMP. Note: We recommend using a 260x100 resolution image.
  2. Click the Choose File button and select your logo file from the local machine.
  3. Click the Upload button to complete the upload process.

10. Click the Shutdown and Reboot section to shut down or reboot the GMP.