Manage storage usage with the Storage Report - x360Recover

Written By Heather Hootman ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

You can use the Storage Report to manage your devices over time. The Storage Report page is broken into two sections of reporting that you can monitor:

  • The Vault Storage Utilization Report, and
  • The Appliance Storage Utilization Report.

Protected Systems are sorted from largest to smallest and limited to only the largest 10 systems.

To view the Storage Report:

  1. In the GMP, click the Storage Report tab. The Storage Report page displays.
  2. Use the Vault Storage Utilization section to view storage history of data usage for each Vault.
  3. Use the Appliance Storage Utilizationsection to view storage history of data usage for each Appliance. You can also use each sub-section to view a breakdown of usage by device type:
    1. The Protected System Usage section shows the amount of storage utilization for each Protected System.
    2. The Appliance Usage section shows the amount of storage utilization for each Appliance.
    3. The Vault Usage section shows the amount of storage utilization for each Vault.