Aug 19 2020 - v 2.24.0 - Release Notes x360Cloud

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024




     August 19, 2020


  • Deprecation of trial process on the level of individual provider
  • Fix issues reported by users



We are deprecating the trial process on the provider level

In the Classic x360Cloud UI, each new provider was created in a trial state, with a 30 day trial expiration. The trial provider state also implied a maximum of 30 accounts could be protected by x360Cloud. We are deprecating this trial process on the provider level.

Moving towards the new x360Cloud UI, we will provide a trial process on the MSP level. This will allow MSPs in the trial process to protect an unlimited number of end user accounts, SharePoint sites or Google Workspace shared drives.

This change means the following for all the new providers created in both Classic and new x360Cloud UI:

  • No automatic emails are sent upon trial expiration-related events
  • No limits are applied to the number of protected end user accounts, SharePoint sites or Google Workspace drives
  • Immediately after a new provider is created, the protected ‘user seats’ are taken into account as billable in the usage reports.


  • Fixes for customer escalations and markup issues. 
  • Fix for Filter by user and Filter by collection Smart Search filters showing only the ten biggest options. Now it’s possible to search for other options to be selected in these filters.
  • Fix for “Something went wrong” error thrown during user restoration flow.

Known Issues

  • Shared drives outside of the ten biggest options can't be selected in "Filter by user” on the Smart Search panel.
  • User actions performed by a reseller user within an organization are not shown in organization-level Audit Logs page. However, these logs are still visible in the reseller-level Reports page.
  • When the “Skip External Users” setting on an organization’s Settings page is toggled on, a user is still able to select an external Microsoft 365 account for backup in x360 new UI. (However, this selection is not saved appropriately.)  


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