Recovery Center 1.8.0 - May 18 2022

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Component Recovery Center for x360Recover Direct-to-Cloud (D2C)
Version 1.8.0
Release Date May 18 2022

Release overview

Recovery Center 1.8.0 is a maintenance release. The primary purpose of this release is to provide bug fixes and improve user friendliness.

Summary of feature enhancements
  • Mounted file systems when running file and folder recovery are now read/write
  • Protected system passwords are now recognized and supported
  • Analysis Tool has been updated
Summary of bug fixes
  • Fixed size calculation of dynamic disks when performing file and folder recovery
  • A friendly error message is displayed if a network share fails to open because another connection exists
  • Fixed issue rendering MBR disks that are not 64K aligned
  • Fixed missing time stamps in the Recovery Center service logs

Use Recovery Center with appliance endpoints

Recovery Center 1.7.0+  implements support for working with protected system data on appliances running 10.18.0+.  

This feature allows users to leverage local appliance backups (instead of local cache) for high-speed recovery of virtual disks or Hyper-V virtual machines

See the Recovery Center User Guide for complete details